foto Dana Fabini

Dana Simona Fabini is a visual artist born 1963 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
She lives and works in Germany and Romania.
She studied at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (diploma 1987) and then taught as lecturer at the same university from 1990 until 2006. In 2005 she obtained a doctoral degree in visual arts with a subject on artistic creativity and the relations between art and art therapy. In 2021 she received the habilitation on the topic Research and applications in art, art education and art therapy. Since 1987 exhibitions in art galleries, museums and outdoors in public spaces, participations in conferences, since 1990 courses, lectures and publications on art and artistic creativity. Since 2022 art professor at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca.
In her work Dana Fabini focuses on poetic concepts and looks for the appropriate expression form. She creates text and image, constantly pursuing the interactive possibilities between these artistic languages. In 2010 she established the concept of Bibliotheca Diotima for her entire work and her artistic credo. She explores stereotypes and models of art thinking inside social-cultural and political systems using classic, performance and multimedia techniques for her work. She practices a visual poetry that reveals her feminist position and creates limited art editions and artists books. In 2016 she initiated the platform Dialog in Agora, where she coordinates intercultural and interdisciplinary artistic projects. Dana Fabini is member, among others, of the Romanian Union of Artists UAP, member of GEDOK and Literatur Forum Südwest in Germany, and founding member of Ceramart (organizer International Ceramics Biennial Cluj).

more informations:
Wikipedia DE
Wikipedia RO
University of Art and Design in Cluj Napoca
YouTube Channel

Short excerpts from references
Dr. Uta Friederike Miksche:
"The experiences under the dictatorship conditions in Romania have awakened in Dana Fabini her longing for a life of freedom, of individual, intellectual and artistic self-determination. She came to question the human condition, his whence and where. (...) Passionately and diligently she pursues her own way, as a person and as an artist. In her work, processes of transformation become visible, insights of loss of identity and gain of new identity reveal themselves (...). Dana Fabini lives her art. Her art is the deepening, intellectual and sensual expression of her experiences." (excerpt from the opening speech at the international exhibition Dreisprung Triplu Salt Troskok, original in German, 2008)

Dr. Jenny Graf-Bicher: The learned „poesis“ and the rooted „here“
„The words are central in the creation of Dana Fabini. Words that want to grasp the world, life, dying, love, pain, speaking and silence (...) Again and again words that seek the path to their own self, to their own creative energy. Dana Fabini creates text images that are not easy to convert into optical, that live on the magic of language. (...) This is poetic concentration, in which the rhythm of breathing becomes the rhythm of creative activity, just poetry.“ (excerpt from the opening speech at the exhibition poesis.hier, original in German, 2015)

Dr. Donatella Chiancone-Schneider: Dana Fabini's secret
„Whether oriental fairy tales, literary quotes, biblical motifs or own texts: the original source is used by Dana Fabini only as raw material for artistic transformations. (...) The transition from image to word is reciprocal and initiates a creative exchange. (...) Dana Fabini uses both classical and manual techniques as well as digital ways of working: in addition to traditionally painted pages and hand-stitched pages, there are also typed texts and digitally altered images, which in a further step can be subjected to a different technique. The decisive factor is not the method itself, but the creative examination of the original material and its transformation.“ (from the text for the exhibition Der Faden der Ariadne -the Thread of Ariadne, original in German, 2015)

Dr. Vianu Mureşan: Sources of Silence
„Dana Fabini writes visually and paints syntagmatically, assembling visual-intuitive contexts in which she captures unfinished narratives, some of them paraphrases, which continue their unfolding in the mind of the reader long after reading, seemingly absorbed in breaths of the inner imagination. (...) Offering the visual form for reading extends the frame beyond aesthetic contemplation, it also means analytical contemplation, transformation, and reconversion in the open circuit of the image and word. (...) A visual poetry in which (...) the silence rises.  The silence - the poetic state of a passion enlightened by knowledge.“ (excerpt from the foreword to the artist-book by Dana Fabini: Bibliotheca Diotima -încotro iubirea / wohin die Liebe, original in Romanian, 2018)

Susanne Maier-Faust, M.A.: Poetry and Existentialism in the Work of Dana Fabini
"Dana Fabini has been publishing her artistic work since 2010 within the generic concept Bibliotheca Diotima, suggesting that the spiritual level of reflection is the woman's voice. ( her short film Waiting Room: Loneliness) Performance and text are reflective of rituals, in which passion and devotion, rebellion and love delusion create the impression of womanhood as a feature of social and cultural conditioning (...). The unbearable situation of being confined and lonely ends in an attempt to escape, similar to the rebellion of the domesticated housewife (...) in Birgit Jürgenssen's photo piece (1976): Ich möchte hier raus! (Let Me Out of Here!). Dana Fabini (...) take a feminist assessment of the emotional and social issues that are still obvious in 2017." (excerpt from the afterword to the artist-book by Dana Fabini: Bibliotheca Diotima - utopie cu maestrul / Utopie mit dem Meister, original in German, 2019)

Exhibitions and performances - selection
2024: Another World Is Possible, international exhibition, Centrul de Interes Cluj Napoca, Romania  // Crossing Borders, 5. International Contemporary Art Festival SCAF Sibiu, Romania  // Look Inside, group exhibition, Pavilionul Pictura, Cluj Napoca, Romania  //  Fără titlu, group exhibition, Apollonia Hirscher Gallery Brașov, Romania  //  2023: De Facto UAD 2023, group exhibition, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej BWA SOKÓŁ, Nowy Sącz, Poland  // 9. International Biennial Meeting Point Arad 2023, Galeria Delta Arad, Romania  //  Contemporary Art-selection, group exhibition, Palatele Brâncovenești Mogoșoaia, Romania  //  Es werde! group exhibition Katholische Akademie Freiburg, Germany  //  De Facto UAD 2023, Colonia Pictorilor Baia Mare, Romania  //  Vamps und andere Fiktionen, group exhibition K49 Köln, Germany  //  2022: Glanzlichter 20 Jahre Kunstraum 57, Köln, Germany  //  2021: Spotlighting Cluj, group exhibition, Mitreo Arte Contemporanea Roma, Italy  //  Die Isolation - das Fremde, international group exhibition (Germany, Japan, Romania) Halle Zollstock Köln  //  Frauen. Gestalten, GEDOK exhibition, Schwarzes Kloster Freiburg  //  2020: Blaue Stunde X, jubilee international video & performance festival, Köln  //  More than 8, group exhibition, Halle Zollstock Köln  //  2019: The Secret Tablets, solo exhibition, National Museum of Transylvanian History, Cluj Napoca  //  Utopie cu maestrul, solo exhibition, Palatele Brâncovenești Mogoșoaia  //  2018: An der Grenze, international group exhibition (Germany, Japan, Romania) Halle Zollstock Köln  //  100 Jahre F
rauenwahlrecht Kunst im Plakat, GEDOK exhibition Meckelhalle Freiburg  //  Tête-à-Tête: Dana Fabini & Gavril Zmicală, Galeria Galateea Contemporary Art București  //  2017: Waiting Room: Loneliness, performance Art Museum Cluj Napoca  //  Dialog in Agora. Zeitgenössische Archäologie, international group exhibition (Germany, Romania) Museum Zündorfer Wehrturm Köln  //  GEDOK KNAST KUNST, group exhibition Justizgebäude des Amtsgerichts Freiburg  //  2016 -2017: Blaue Stunde VII -VIII, international video festival, Alte Feuerwache Köln  //  2016: Dada Labyrinth, sound & poetry performance with Nicolas Simion, Rumänische Bibliothek Freiburg  //  Langer Abend der Freiburger Literatur, Alter Wiehrebahnhof  //  2015: Der Faden der Ariadne, solo exhibition Atelier-Galerie 21 Köln  //  poesis.hier, exhibition with Beate Gördes/ performance with Petra Deus, Quartier am Hafen Köln  //  Logos, performance with Nicolas Simion, 2. International Ceramics Biennial Cluj Napoca  //  New Sounds & Old Codes, performance with Nicolas Simion & Band, Ensemblia Festival, Mönchengladbach  //  2014: Natur und Mensch, solo exhibition Universitätsklinikum Freiburg  //  2013: offene Ateliers, exhibition with Angelika Wittek, Kunstraum 57 Köln  //  2011: Kunstakademie der Weltkulturen, group exhibition 25 Jahre Interkulturelle Woche in Köln, Galerie am Ursulakloster  //  2009: Einblicke und Sichtweisen, Romanian-German group exhibition Lichthof Köln  //  2008: Dreisprung Triplu Salt Troskok, international group exhibition Germany, Romania and Slowenia, Künstlerforum Bonn  //  2006: Offenbarung, solo exhibition HkD Hannover  //  2005: Creativitate artistică - Grădini abandonate, solo exhibition Casa Matei Corvin Cluj Napoca  //  Zwischen Himmel und Erde, solo exhibition RPI Loccum  //  2003: empFinden. Verlassene Gärten, solo exhibition Galerie Heinz Bossert Köln  //  2002: Briefe mit Träumen, solo exhibition I.Q. Institut, Hannover  //  2000: Liber studiorum, group exhibition Art Museum Cluj Napoca  //  Dialog cu noi și fără noimă, group exhibition Galeria Apollo București  //  1999: Verlassene Gärten, solo exhibition DAA Galerie Hannover  //  1998: Ausstellung rumänischer Graphik, group exhibition Innsbruck  //  Na Folimance, solo exhibition private space Prague  //  1997: Artiști români (Romanian Artists), group exhibition Kaposvar  //  Libertatea de Mișcare (Freedom of movement), international exhibition, Contemporary Art Museum Bistrița-Năsăud  //  Copaci indieni, solo exhibition, Galeria Luminii Timișoara  //  1996: Academia 70, group exhibition Art Museum Cluj Napoca  //  Nemzeti paradicsom (National paradise), group exhibition Balassi Intézet Bukaresti Magyar Intézet (Hungarian Cultural Center) București  //  Dornröschen, solo exhibition Kloster Barsinghausen  //  1995: Cluj-București, București-Cluj, group exhibition Galeria Orizont București  //  1994: Medium AnnArt 5, national exhibition Muzeul Național Secuiesc Sfântu Gheorghe  //  Picasso privește Picasso, group exhibition Balassi Intézet Bukaresti Magyar Intézet (Hungarian Cultural Center) București  //  Abmocatac, group performance, Cluj Napoca  //  1993: solo exhibition, Galeria Mare UAP Cluj Napoca //  1992: Ecce Homo, group exhibition Galeria Orizont București  //  Roemeense kunst (Romanian Art), group exhibition Universiteit Windesheim Zwolle  //  1991: Stare fără titlu, national exhibition Art Museum Timișoara  //  Lumină apă culoare -Fény víz szín, group exhibition Galeria Nouă Oradea and Új Budapest Galéria  //  1990: Tineri artiști, group exhibition Galeria Mare UAP Cluj Napoca  //  International Miniature Exhibition, Del Bello Gallery, Toronto  //  1989: Quadrienala de Artă Decorativă, national exhibition Sala Dalles București  //  1988: Bienala Atelier 35, national exhibition Centrul Artistic Baia Mare, Muzeul de Artă Vizuală Galați  //  Artiști clujeni, group exhibition Sala Dalles București

Projects and workshops - selection
2024: Entropy, group exhibition, International Symposium Universal Language of Arts and Science, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca  // KunsTRaum, Open Air Festival Freiburg  //  2023 -2024 Art-therapy project with students from the University of Art and Design (UAD) at the Emergency Military Clinical Hospital from Cluj Napoca // 2023: Art & Arttherapy, workshop Accademia di Belle Arte di Macerata, Italy  // 2022: Joseph Beuys - Soziale Plastik, workshop in the exhibition Cum să explici imagini (How to Explain Pictures), Art Museum Cluj, Arts Summer University  //  2021: 2x5 Art as a Language, interculturel woman art project Goethe Institut Freiburg_Turnul Croitorilor Cluj Napoca  //  Audio Video plus, annual international concert IFK, E-Werk Freiburg  //  2020: 100 Wörter, project Literaturhaus Freiburg  //  2018-2019 Dialog in Agora. Cosmopolit(ism) - Kosmopolit(ismus), interculturel project Cluj Napoca_Köln  //  2016-2017 Dialog in Agora. Arheologie contemporană - Zeitgenössische Archäologie, interculturel project Cluj Napoca _ Köln  //  2015: Die eigene Identität wahrnehmen und systemisch erleben, workshop Universitätsklinikum Freiburg  //  Despre (a)percepție, realitate și ficțiune în artele spectacolului, workshop Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Teatru și Film Cluj Napoca  //  2011: Anleitung zur kunstpädagogisch und heilpädagogisch fundierten Arbeit für Multiplikatoren, European workshop with Dr. Rabea Müller, Kölner Institut für Kulturarbeit und Weiterbildung  //  Nationale Identität und Interkulturalität, 2. Kunstpädagogentag, Kölner Institut für Kulturarbeit und Weiterbildung  //  Kunst und Wissenschaft. Auf der Spuren von Leonardo da Vinci, art project Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium Bergisch Gladbach  //  Ich, Du und die Welt, art project with Letitia Gaba, Magistrale der Schulverwaltungsamtes Köln  //  2010: Die kulturelle Vermittlung der Rezeption in den bildenden Künsten. Folgen für die Kunstbildung und die Kunsttherapie, workshop Universität zu Köln  //  2009: Selbstporträts, art project with Letitia Gaba, Katholische Hauptschule Büllowstr. Köln  //  Das unterdrückte Talent, 1. Kunstpädagogentag, Kölner Institut für Kulturarbeit und Weiterbildung  //  2007: Interferenzen, German - Romanian international project (cooperation), Stiftung Keramion Frechen  //  Creativitate și Identitate (Creativity and identity), workshop Conferința Națională de Terapie prin Artă, București  //  2006: Synagoga und Ecclesia, workshop with Prof. Dr. Ursula Rudnick, HkD Murten  //  2005: Symbole zwischen Didaktik und kreativer Aneignung, workshop with Prof. Dr. Ursula Rudnick, RWTH Aachen  //  2004: Kunst und Kreativität (Art and creativity), workshop with Prof. Dr. Ursula Rudnick, RWTH Aachen  //  2001: Kulturziegel (Cultural brique), Symposium Zilele UAD, Deutsches Kulturzentrum Goethe Institut Cluj Napoca  //  Projet personnel, with Fabrice Azzolin and Dominique Tisserandet, Universitatea de Artă și Design Cluj Napoca  //  2000: ateliers d'art, intercultural workshop, École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Nantes  //  Mural Global, international mural art project, Agenda 21 UNESCO in Niedersachsen  //  Pax Danubiana, European art project coordinated by Regina Hellwig Schmid, Regensburg  //  1998: Scroll Installation, international art project coordinated by Iren Jensen, San Francisco, Mo i Rana and Los Angeles

Works in state collections and public spaces - selection
National Museum of Transylvanian History, Romania
Cultural Center Mogoșoaia Palace, Romania
Kloster Barsinghausen in Germany
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany

Books, lectures and articles - selection
2023: Diasporic, conference to exhibition, Centrul de Interes Foundation, Cluj Napoca  //  Concepte de lucru în art-terapia prin mijloace vizuale. Studii de caz, Annual Conference SCMU Cluj Napoca  //  2022: Diaspora și dialogul intercultural, colloquium Rumänische Bibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau, in: Buletinul Bibliotecii Române Freiburg Serie nouă Nr. X (XXXI), ed. Mihai Neagu Basarab, ISSN 0534-4085  // Teme și tehnici ale educației artistice în pandemie, in: Arta în context. Bune practici în predarea artei online, ed. Ioana Boldiș, Presa Universitară Clujeană, ISBN 978-606-37-1648-5  //  2021: art catalogue 2x5 Art as a Language, ed. Dana Fabini, Christine Huss and Elisa Stützle-Siegsmund, GEDOK Freiburg  //  2020: Bibliotheca Diotima: muza vitregă - die Stiefmuse, Editura Eikon, București, ISBN 4: 978-606-49-0321-1  //  2019: Bibliotheca Diotima: utopie cu maestrul - Utopie mit dem Meister, Editura Eikon, București, ISBN 3: 978-606-49-0107-1  //  Dialog in Agora: Cosmopolit(ism) - Kosmopolit(ismus), Editura Eikon, București, ISBN 4: 978-606-49-0154-5  //  artist talk and solo show Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Berlin  //  Bookfest International Bookfair București 2019  //  Exipora, international colloquium Craiova  //  2018: Bibliotheca Diotima: încotro iubirea - wohin die Liebe, Editura Eikon, București, ISBN 1: 978-606-711-891-9  //  2016 -2017: Dialog in Agora. Arheologie contemporană - Zeitgenössische Archäologie (2 volumes), Editura Eikon, București, ISBN 1: 978-606-711-556-7  //  2016: Bibliotheka Engialdina 3. Teil, in Wortschau Literaturmagazin Nr. 27, ISBN: 978-3-944286-15-0  //  Aspecte ale avangardei artistice la 1916 în România și Europa de Vest, Symposium Rumänische Bibliothek Freiburg  //  2015: In the beginning was the Word. Logos and Metamorphosis in the creation of art, 2. International Ceramics- Biennial, Muzeul de Artă Cluj Napoca  //  Logos, in Wortschau Literaturmagazin Nr. 25, ISBN: 978-3-944286-13-6  //  2014: Kunstpädagogisches Arbeiten, 13. Kölner Lernfest, Komed Media Park  //  2011: Rauf und Runter, opening speech to exhibition Museum Zündorfer Wehrturm, Köln  //  2008: Kunst und Identität (Art and identity), lecture Künstlerforum Bonn  //  2006: Creativitate artistică. Relaţii între artele vizuale şi terapia prin artă (Artistic creativity. Relationships between visuals arts and art therapy), Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca, ISBN: (10) 973-610-468-0  //  Receptarea în artele vizuale. Implicaţii în terapia prin artă (Reception in visual arts. Consequences in art therapy), Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj Napoca, ISBN: (10) 973-686-949-0  //  2005: AC/DC Projects: Schlingensief and Perjovschi in Ludwig Museum Köln, in: IDEA – Artă şi societate Nr. 22, ed. Fundația IDEA Cluj Napoca, ISSN: 1583-8293  //  I am from no country, catalogue Ugly Places by Bogdan Achimescu, Second Street Gallery, Charlottesville  //  2004: Terapia prin artă – istoric, procedee, posibilităţi şi limite, in: Creier, cogniţie, comportament, ed. Societatea de Științe Cognitive Cluj Napoca, ISSN: 1224-8398  //  2003: European Media Art Festival Osnabrück – Björn Schülke, in: IDEA – Artă şi societate Nr. 14, ed. Fundația IDEA Cluj Napoca, ISNN: 1583-8293  //  Aurelia Mihai – Das ist die Stunde, in: Balkon Nr. 13, ed. Fundația IDEA Cluj Napoca, ISSN: 1454-7872  //  2002: Evoluţie şi receptare artistică din perspectiva psihologiei cognitive, in: Imagine artistică şi creativitate plastică, coord. Gheorghe Buș, Editura Dacia, Cluj Napoca  //  1998: Labirint – imagine şi trăire, Symposium Ceramica între tradiție și contemporaneitate (Ceramics between tradition and contemporaneity), Universitatea de Artă și Design Cluj Napoca  //  1996: Perspectiva contemporană asupra teoriei cromatice, Simpozionul Național de Ceramică Artistică (National Symposium of Artistic Ceramics), Universitatea de Artă și Design Cluj Napoca  //  1987: Despre apercepţie, Simpozionul Educația Artistică în România (Art Education in Romania), Universitatea de Artă și Design Cluj Napoca

Selected reviews and interviews about Dana Fabini
2023: Catalogue Bienala Internațională de Artă Meeting Point ed. UAP Arad   // Catalogue De Facto UAD 2023, ed. Laura Ghinea, Bogdan Iacob, Eugen Savinescu, Școala Ardeleană Cluj-Napoca & Eikon București, ISBN 978-630-314-030-8  //  artEXIT, interview by Dragoș Lumpan  //  2021: Catalogue Die Isolation - das Fremde, ed. Ellen Muck & Norbert Götz, Halle Zollstock Köln  //  Terapia prin artă în timp de pandemie, by Lucian Ștefănescu, Radio Free Europe 31 January  //  2020: Catalogue All Stars Blaue Stunde X, ed. Beate Gördes, A+A Kulturstiftung, Köln  //  Catalogue more than 8, ed. Letitia Gaba, Kulturamt Köln  //  2019: Tăblițe vechi, ecouri noi, by Ion Bogdan Lefter, in Alte ceramici pe malurile Someșului, Reporter global 30 Sept.  //  2018: Tête-à-Tête, by Bogdana Contraș, SensoArteTV 17 Iulie  //  Imagini, metafore, (ne)cuvinte, by Cristina Pascu, Uniunea Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România 17 August  //  2017: Dialog între arte, by Mihaiela Ilea, TVR3 Romanian Television 18 Nov.  //  Die Stille der wahren Liebe, by Jürgen Kisters, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 12. Okt.  //  Künstlerisch gestalteter Dialog, by Judith Tausendfreund, Kölnische Rundschau 12. Okt.  //  2016: Bună dimineața Transilvania, by Vasile Hotea-Fernezan, Romanian Television Cluj 12 Oct.  //  Dana Fabini: "Ce este arta? O amăgire cu care trăim și care ne supraviețuiește", by Lucian Ștefănescu, Radio Free Europe 30 July   //  2015: Dezente Spuren des Lebens, by Thomas Dahl, Kölnische Rundschau 18. August  //  Dana Fabinis Geheimnis, by Dr. Donatella Chiancone Schneider  //  Eingehüllt im Garn der Schöpfung, by Thomas Dahl, Kölnische Rundschau 19. Febr.  //  2011: Farbenfroh Frieden und Freundschaft umgesetzt, by Bernd Schöneck, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 03. März  //  2009: Die Kunst hilft beim Wachsen, by Bernd Schöneck, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 14. Mai  //  2008: Terapia prin artă, by Karen Sebesi, TVR 3 Romania, Nov.  //  Artă și terapie prin artă, by Adrian Dohotaru, Radio Cluj, Oct.  //  „Triplu salt“ și terapia prin artă, by Lucian Ștefănescu, Radio Europa Liberă, Prague 14 Mai  //  Kunst und Identität, by Dana Alexandra Sora, Deutsche Welle, April  //  Dreisprung –Triplu Salt –Troskok, Catalogue ed. Art Dialog Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Europäischen Integration durch Kunst, Bonn, April  //  2007: Clujul trăit, by Prof. Dr. Ovidiu Pecican, NCN Television Cluj, Iulie  //  Artă socială şi terapie, by Prof. Dr. Ovidiu Pecican, Tribuna, Cluj Napoca, 1-15 Febr.  //  2006: The School of Cluj Artists-Professors of the University of Art and Design, IDEA design & print, Cluj  //  2005: Zwischen Himmel und Erde, by Prof. Dr. Ursula Rudnick, Loccumer Pelikan 4/2005  //  2003: Der Garten als Spiegel der Seele. Galerie schlägt Brücke nach Rumänien, by Alexandra Eul, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Nr. 229, 2.-3. Okt.  //  2001: Cărămida culturală, in Tribuna 220, Cluj Napoca, 7/2001  //  2000: Wandbild soll Agenda-Prozess beflügeln, Calenberger Zeitung, Barsinghausen 16. Okt.  //  Pictori clujeni, Catalogue UAP (Romanian Artists’ Union), Cluj Napoca  //  1998: Contemporary Graphic Art from Transylvania, Catalogue UAP Cluj   //  Lexiconul artiștilor români contemporani, Catalogue UAP Cluj  //  1994: Medium AnnArt 5, Catalogue Baasz Foundation (RO)  //  1993: Expoziție Galeria Mare UAP, by Carmen Cristian, Romanian Television Cluj, Iulie  //  Recenzie Expoziție, by Vasile Igna, Tribuna nr. 80, Cluj Napoca, 10/1993  //  1992: Ecce Homo, Catalogue UAP Cluj  //  1991: Lumină apă culoare -Fény víz szín, Catalogue UAP Romania and Hungarian Artists’ Union  //  1988: Bienala Tineretului Atelier 35, Catalogue UAP Romania