lumină, apă, culoare / fény víz szín / light, water, color
Romanian-Hungarian art exhibition organized in Oradea and Budapest under the title light water color (catalogue edited by Romanian Artists’ Union and Hungarian Artists’ Union), 1991
I followed up with the subject in an extensive way - light and shadow, water-air-earth-fire, color and colorless - and between 1991 and 2005 I created many paintings, watercolor on paper, mostly of the size 32 x 24 cm. I presented them besides other works in different exhibitions e.g. at the solo exhibition Zwischen Himmel und Erde, Galerie RPI Loccum 2005
work example: Haiku, color ink on aquarell paper, 32 x 24 cm, 1997 (catalogue Haiku, graphics and layout by Gloria Moser Vreme, photo by István Feleky, Prepress Idea Design & Print, 2001)
Inspired by real situations and phenomena I wrote all this years short "haiku" poems.
Here the text (Romanian, English, German) related to this picture: