lumină, apă, culoare / fény víz szín / light, water, color

Romanian-Hungarian art exhibition organized in Oradea and Budapest under the title light water color (catalogue edited by Romanian Artists’ Union and Hungarian Artists’ Union), 1991

I followed up with the subject in an extensive way - light and shadow, water-air-earth-fire, color and colorless - and between 1991 and 2005 I created many paintings, watercolor on paper, mostly of the size 32 x 24 cm. I presented them besides other works in different exhibitions e.g. at the solo exhibition Zwischen Himmel und Erde, Galerie RPI Loccum 2005

work example: Haiku, color ink on aquarell paper, 32 x 24 cm, 1997 (catalogue Haiku, graphics and layout by Gloria Moser Vreme, photo by István Feleky, Prepress Idea Design & Print, 2001)

Inspired by real situations and phenomena I wrote all this years short "haiku" poems.
Here the text (Romanian, English, German) related to this picture:

În Grădina Zen
la miezul nopții
o pisică neagră
privește statuia lui Buddha.

De cealaltă parte a lacului
e deschisă poarta
spre Grădina Simțurilor.

In the Garden Zen
at midnight
a black cat
looks at the Buddha statue.

On the other side of the lake
the gate is open
to the Garden of the Senses.

Im Garten Zen
um Mitternacht
blickt eine schwarze Katze
auf die Buddhastatue.

Auf der anderen Seite des Sees
steht das Tor offen
zum Garten der Sinne.