the secret
comparative study between magical rituals and expressive artistic forms, since 2003;
reflected in Romanian writings e.g. Creativitate artistică. Relaţii între artele vizuale şi terapia prin artă, Editura Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2006, ISBN: (10) 973-610-468-0
coordination of artistic group exercises and performative works in various locations e.g. Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai / Centrul Expert 2003-2004, Universitatea de Artă și Design, Cluj Napoca, 2005-2006
here an example from a private workshop in Cologne, artist studio, 2010
"(...) in older times, when a person had a secret that could not be shared, he would instead go atop a mountain, make a hollow in a tree, whisper the secret into that hollow and cover it with mud." from the film "In the Mood for Love" by Wong Kar-wai
Secrets are very different: they may be desires or fears, they may be deeds or they may be thoughts, they want to be forgotten, or they want to be brought to light, may be pleasant or unpleasant, guilty or innocent, personal or collective, can protect or threaten. In order to integrate secrets into individual experience, people have since ancient times invented magic formulas and ritual forms of religious or artistic expression.
(excerpt from the lecture Relations between art and art therapy, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai / Centrul Expert, Cluj Napoca, 2003; original in Romanian)
Secretele sunt foarte diferite: pot fi dorințe sau pot fi temeri, pot fi fapte sau pot fi gânduri, vor să fie uitate sau vor să fie aduse la lumină, pot fi plăcute sau neplăcute, vinovate sau nevinovate, personale sau colective, pot proteja sau pot amenința. Pentru a integra secretele în experiența individuală oamenii au inventat din timpuri străvechi formule magice și forme ritualice de expresie religioasă sau artistică.
Geheimnisse sind sehr verschieden: sie können Wünsche oder Ängste sein, sie können Taten sein oder sie können Gedanken sein, sie wollen vergessen werden, oder sie wollen ans Licht gebracht werden, mögen angenehm oder unangenehm, schuldig oder unschuldig, persönlich oder kollektiv sein, können beschützen oder drohen. Um Geheimnisse in die individuelle Erfahrung zu integrieren, haben Menschen schon immer magische Formeln und rituelle Formen des religiösen oder künstlerischen Ausdrucks erfunden.