inner windows to the world / Ferestre interioare spre lume / innere Fenster zur Welt
art between tradition and innovation: studies of landscape, research of artistic expression in original drawing and photography (2001-2013); art book, edition by the artist, drawing, digital print and handwriting, 2013
book excerpt, digital print realised in 2008

I recognize who I am and where I am going with a view from the window.
The first window I remember viewed a yard of mulberry trees and a well; the second, a yard with lilac and walnut trees. For a long time I saw chestnuts and the willows on the lake shore. When I was 30 I saw a hill facing the sunrise and the infinite sky.
Then only walls, blocks of flats with closed balconies.
At about 40 I saw the street and a coach rental: people, cars and carriages with festively decorated horses.
Around the fifties I saw a five-hundred-year-old church tower; the church was bombed and only the tower remained.
Lately I see again a hill facing the sunrise and the infinite sky.
Ştiu cine sunt şi ştiu încotro mă îndrept după imaginea pe care o văd pe ferestră.
Prima fereastră de care îmi amintesc a fost spre o curte cu duzi şi fântână; a doua spre o curte cu liliac şi cu nuci. Mult timp am văzut castanii şi sălciile de pe malul lacului.
La 30 de ani am văzut un deal spre răsărit şi cerul nesfârşit.
Apoi doar ziduri, blocuri cu balcoane închise.
La 40 de ani am văzut strada şi o firmă de caleşti: oameni, automobile şi trăsuri cu cai împodobiţi pentru festivitate.
La 50 de ani am văzut un turn de biserică vechi de cinci secole; biserica a fost bombardată şi turnul a rămas în picioare.
De la o vreme văd din nou un deal spre răsărit şi cerul nesfârşit.
Ich erkenne, wer ich bin und wohin ich gehe, mit einem Blick aus dem Fenster.
Das erste Fenster, an das ich mich erinnere, ging auf einen Hof mit Maulbeerbäumen und einem Brunnen; das zweite auf einen Hof mit Flieder und Nussbäumen. Lange Zeit sah ich Kastanien und die Weiden am Seeufer. Als ich 30 war sah ich einen Hügel auf den Sonnenaufgang und den unendlichen Himmel. Danach nur Mauern, Wohnblocks mit verglasten Balkons. Um die 40 sah ich die Straße und einen Kutschenverleih: Menschen, Autos und Kutschen mit festlich geschmückten Pferden. Um die 50 sah ich einen fünfhundert Jahre alten Kirchturm; die Kirche wurde bombardiert und der Turm blieb stehen.
Seit einiger Zeit sehe ich wieder einen Hügel auf den Sonnenaufgang und den unendlichen Himmel.
(book excerpt, update 2017, original in Romanian)