wu wei

work in process: digital and analogue photo, text-images

here an example: digital photo 2009 / text 2015

meditation exists in a natural way, doing art is a good path of meditation, but meditation or art are not a purpose in themselves
they help as any other means to understand reality


the subject meditation - nature and art presented also in courses, seminars and workshops e.g. Universität zu Köln -Heilpädagogische Fakultät (Lehrauftrag: Freies und naturalistisches Zeichnen, 2002-2006), Universitatea de Artă și Design din Cluj Napoca - Facultatea de Arte Decorative (Desen: Studiul formelor organice, 1991-2006), Kölner Institut für Kulturarbeit und Weiterbildung (Bildungsurlaub: Über die Natur in der Kunst und die Kunst in der Natur, 2013)